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The PARLOUR Amsterdam: Event Proposal Form

Hey there! Thank you for wanting to work with The Parlour Amsterdam—we're excited to hear from you! Our organisation is led by the guiding principles of 'Music. Community. Empathy.', and hence we're always looking for the best and fairest way to work with our many event owners. 

Help us help you—fill in the questions below about your event as accurately as you can, and we will get back to you to talk about the details!

Which of the categories below best represents your goal for the event?
Corporate Objectives
For Profit
For Charitable Causes
Is this a private event or a public event?
What's the preferred timeslot for your event?
Morning (Before 12PM)
Afternoon (12PM - 6PM)
Night (6PM - 11PM)
Will you be creating the creative assets? (ie: the poster, the ticketing banners) If so, we need them in 3 sizes: 800px x 451px , 2160px x 1080px, and 1000px x 1000px
No, I need help!
Would you like to subscribe to our mailing list to stay up-to-date with our events?
Yes, definitely!
Not right now...

At PARLOUR Amsterdam, we try to make it easy and accessible for everyone to run their events with minimal stress and start-up costs. Please support us in that mission by following through on your upcoming event as far as possible—don't just cancel on us, because that slot could have been given to someone else. If you have no choice but to cancel, do let us know well in advance.

© 2024 by The Parlour Amsterdam B.V. All rights reserved.

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